Full-time development begins.

Month Year

MegaloManager Demo released as part of Steam Next Fest Month Year.


MegaloManager officially launches on Steam, including three playsets: Alchemists (working title), Farms (working title), and Mass Transport (working title). The price during this introductory period is $20. Save files and settings are compatible between the demo and the released game.


MegaloManager - Modding Tools launches on Steam, a free DLC for anyone who owns a copy of MegaloManager, along with Steam Workshop support.


The Restructuring occurs. The MegaloManager Demo is discontinued. MegaloManager is now Free to Play, with the free version including everything the demo had, plus Steam Workshop support. The free Modding Tools DLC is now available to everyone on Steam, not just people who purchased the game.

(Note: Uploading mods to the Steam Workshop is unavailable for players with limited accounts. See the Steam Support article about limited accounts for more information.)

Each of the playsets that were available at launch are now DLCs available for $10 and can be purchased individually. Players who bought MegaloManager prior to this change already own all three of the DLC and do not need to re-purchase them.


MegaloManager Playtest becomes available. This version of MegaloManager contains the next playset that is in development, currently (TODO), for anyone to give feedback on. Other playsets, modding tools, and the Steam Workshop are not available in this version. Signing up for the playtest is free, but be aware that this is not a polished playset ready for release, and things may (read: will) break. Settings and saves are separate from the live game.


More playsets still to be announced!


It’s going to be the future, soon.